Friday, September 30, 2011

Pumpkins and spider webs..

Ok so I totally bombed on craft Thursday this week... :( I promise I will never let this happen again ;). Instead of doing a home craft which I was beating myself up about, I decided to do a nail design. I wanted to stay with the Halloween theme so this is why I chose the nail art. Every home craft I wanted to do I couldn't find the supplies in time. And even this I was late on, but I'm posting so who cares!!!

Any who I did spider web nails with two girly pumpkins!!! I think they came out so cute so here goes... To start this is what you will need.

A base coat, orange nail polish, black nail polish, a top coat, toothpicks,and a piece of paper or something to dot the black nail polish.
I used a pointy toothpick
and on the other side I cut it with the nail clippers to be round.
I applied my base coat, and then two coats of orange nail polish.
on the thumb and ring finger I drew two triangles and a mouth with the pointy part of the toothpick..
Then I filled it all in with the round part..
on the rest of my finger nails I drew lines expanding from a point in the corner..
I also did this with the pointy part of the toothpick, if you have those stripe nail polishes with the thinner brushes this will be a lot easier...
Then I drew hoops connecting all the lines.
cover with top coat and here you go.. the finished product :)
I added flowers on the pumpkins.. which is why I called them "girly pumpkins"

Be sure to check back every Thursday to see what type of fun crafty stuff we are up too. We are also hoping to add more days and themes... I'm thinking recipes!!!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Crafty Thursday!

So in a collaboration with my FAVORITE we have figured that we want to do something fun and crafty every single week!! So, we are starting Crafty Thursday (might change the name later, if we find a better one) BUT we are going to do this weekly so be on the lookout!

So, this week I am going to show you the craft I created from a little inspiration from my good friends @ Michael's

I saw this and immediately WANTED it!! BUT, I didn't know that it wasn't for sale! It was there as decoration to make one with their stuff. Well the feather wreath was $15 without anything else! No ribbon, no pumpkins NOTHING! So I figured I would probably not be using that wreath because even with a 40% off coupon it would still cost way more then I wanted to spend!

So, I was on a mission to make a cheaper but JUST as cute one!

I got all my supplies from Michael's


Black Spray Paint

and lots of halloween decorations including some of these!

*Halloween Ribbon
*A cool Halloween Owl
*Black Sparkly Leaves on a vine
*Some little baby styrofoam pumpkins
*The Letter L
*Sparkly Purple Paint
*Super fine Sparkly Purple glitter

SO I got my wreath and sprayed it like crazy with the black spray paint. I hate when things are done 1/2 way so I painted both sides, and each side really only took about 3 minutes to paint and then 10 minutes to dry so it wasn't bad at all.

I made a bow with my big 2 1/2 inch ribbon! And I got all of my little creatures and painted them with the purple paint, after I would paint them I would immediately add glitter this way the paint is used as a glue to old all the lovely purple glitter!

I finished gliterring (is that a word) everything and brought my wreath in from outside. I added the vine leaves first you don't have to have them on a vine, but I think it makes it a lot easier to put them around the wreath. I then added my bow since this is the biggest thing on the whole wreath and I didn't want to cover any of my other decorations. Once I added that I just added all of my cute little decorations and hot glued them or used the wires that hold toys onto the cardboard to add them to my wreath! In the end I think it turned out sooooo cute! I am so in love with it!! So here it is!! In its glory :)

My Halloween Wreath!

and don't judge me for my ugly colored door, I live in an apt and clearly they don't think burgandy is an ugly color for a door (even if I do). BUT if you ask me I think my wreath makes the ugly door so much prettier! :D

Happy Craft Thursday!!! :D

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Well.. my name is Stephanie, but as Jade pointed out to me before NO ONE calls me that!! They all call me Steph. Unless my mom is mad at me. Even when my husband is mad at me he calls me babe with attitude ;).

Let's see, I am 23 years old and started life a little backwards. I DO NOT have my Masters in anything, well who am I kidding I don't even have my Associates in anything. I have a kind, loving, stubborn, wonderful husband who has made my life interesting to say the least, we have been married for 4 years (what a roller coaster that has been). We have an amazing, sensitive, big hearted, HILARIOUS 4 year old who makes life grand. We also have a chunky, quiet, knows what he wants 3 month old, who made .OUR. lives whole (for now at least)!!!

I change my mind over and over, then once more just to make sure I am making the right decisions... but they don't always seem to turn out how I expect them to in the first place. I LOVE LOVE LOVE crafting, and cooking. I love trying new recipes, I love my crock pot, and one day in the VERY near future I WILL have my Kitchen Aid mixer!!! I also love reading/writing blogs.

I can't wait to assign days to posts and share what we hope becomes like the BEST BLOG EVER!!!

Nice to meet you :D

Since, this is a new blog I figure we should at least introduce ourselves, so I will go first!

My name is Jade! Yes! Jade not Jane, or Jay, which I often get when saying my name :)

I am a substitute teacher with my Masters in Education, however thanks to the teacher layoffs that are happening in (especially) California, I have been unsuccessful at finding a job. I know so sad, when you get your degree and have a graduation party and are so excited to start your life, when what's that? There's no jobs in California? Oh wait! There is some? Oh but they're 400 miles away from where you live and your husbands job?

So for the time being I am a stay @ home wife/substitute teacher, see because the days I don't substitute I am in stay @ home wife mode :) I like crafting, baking, cooking, I don't know anything that keeps me busy and is lots of fun!

I love my husband and am truly grateful for the life that we have. We have turned into those people with lots of animals and its sad. We have 2 dogs Little Miss Marlee Muffin & Mr. Fox McCloud (yes, they're married) :) and we have a CRAZY cat named Santiago Ignacio :D (told you, crazy animal people) because yes, all 5 of us live in a one bedroom apt. BUT I wouldn't have it any other way. It's the best!

Other then that I like to find things to keep myself busy and entertained, which recently have been finding blogs and reading them. I love them, and I hope you guys love this one :)

Until next time!

Thursday, September 15, 2011


So I promise these will get better, just wanted to contribute a little post!!! :)

First Post :D

This blog is going to be a collaboration of Me & My Favorite PERSON in the whole world (besides my LOVE) of random things we find, do and anything that seems fun! Cool?! Cool! Happy Blogging people!

Because this is the NOT so glamorous life of a stay at home wife! :D